Therese Jallbrink, Business Interaction Manager, Stena Bulk, started her career 15 years ago when she decided to become a Master Mariner. After having tested out to be at sea, she realized it was not for her, so she changed into studying Shipping & Logistics.
She got an internship at Brostrom Tankers, where she worked for a couple of years before she joined Stena Bulk as a trainee. She is now part of the Business Development group that is transferring the company into the digitalized way of working.
Therese was one of the 10 Women to watch for the future in the maritime industry, awarded by YoungShip. You will have the possibility to meet the rest of the women at a later stage, but you can read more about it here
This episode is sponsored by The Swedish Club, a mutual insurer, owned, self-managed and under the control of their members, who have set up a landing page for the Shipping Podcast on their web, enabling their members to enjoy listening to the interviewee in this podcast.
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