Meet Deanna MacDonald, CEO and Co-founder of BLOC, blockchain research and application development company, which has a mission to help create the demand for a decentralised global economy.
Deanna explains in a very simple fashion to me all there is to know about block chain, the importance of trust in the system and some of the implications for the maritime industry. This is a crash course in block chain, promise you the level of knowledge that you need to be able to follow the debate on this topic.
Thank you for listening, I love feedback from you, please give me a shout out in social media or below, and make me happy!
Blockchain into shipping is definitely interesting. Although the thought is about stream lining shipping processes and making it transparent, there are more to look into the multi-parties shipping processes esp. BL which involve trade secrecy for merchants and shipping lines, trade and competition legality issues, customs declaration etc. It will be great if a more detail on how blockchain can intergrate these.
It’s coming up! There are many episodes on exactly these points to be released later on. Stayed tuned!
I always excited about adoption of new technology. It is great to see maritime industries moving towards blockchain too. Change is all about making it better, effective and efficient.