Captain Jörgen Lorén is a Master Mariner, currently working on STENA DANICA, a RoPax vessel trading between Sweden and Denmark. Jörgen is an authority when it comes to training massevacuation from passenger vessels, testing new life saving equipment and taking part in developing a new way of thinking when it comes to rescue at sea.Jörgen Lorén works closely with the Swedish Sea Rescue Society which is responsible for 70 per cent of all sea rescues in Sweden and receives no government funding. As the testing and training needs a real and lifelike environment, Stena is contributing with a Ship and a Captain and that is where Jörgen fits in.
I recommend you to visit to see some cool pics of new equioment being tested and also a film which can get anyone a bit seasick… 😉 The film shows actually STENA JUTLANDICA, where Jörgen previously was one of the Captains.
In the interview Jörgen also mentions the IMO, the International Maritime Organization, which is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
Jörgen is active in social media, where he posts pictures from the bridge. You can follow him on Twitter: @JorgenLoren and I know that he appreicates you following him there.
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Dear Akash, can you please try again now? I have updated the link.
thanks for letting me know!/Lena