Captains Collaboration
Listen to the two most famous Master Mariners globally, Captain Kate McCue and Captain Thomas Lindegaard Madsen, in their first encounter ever. The conversation touches upon so many exciting things as cats, shoes, leadership, containers, high-heals, role models, visibility, respect, accountability, dreams, career choices and the fact that #SeafarersAreKeyWorkers and why that should be part of the job description when you sign up to become a seafarer.
I am so grateful to the Captains for making this possible. I am also thankful for my audience, who sent in so many good questions for the Captains. You helped me focus on the interview when I was so starstruck.
IF you haven’t yet started to follow these Captains on Instagram, here are the links:
Captain Thomas Lindegaard Madsen
Now, go and share this episode with your friends. Together, we can help kick off the Captains Collaboration to get seafarers to recognise being essential workers.
Thank you for listening!
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[…] El Capitán Thomas no es estadounidense, es un orgulloso nativo de Dinamarca, pero es un modelo a seguir para los futuros marineros de todo el mundo. Carteles caseros de él están pegados en muchos dormitorios de academias marítimas internacionales e incluso, me han dicho, en la históricamente conservadora Academia Naval de los Estados Unidos en Annapolis. Su cuenta de Instagram tiene 57.000 seguidores, lo que lo convierte en el segundo capitán de barco más seguido del mundo. justo detrás de su buena amiga la capitana Kate McCue. […]